İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı Uf4haxp96

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İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı Uf4haxp96

İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı K-352495-welcome_ho%C5%9Fgeldiniz_yaz%C4%B1s%C4%B1_hareketli
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 İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı

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Mesaj Sayısı : 141
Rep Puanı : 407
Başarı : 0
Kayıt tarihi : 09/08/09
Yaş : 28

İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı Empty
MesajKonu: İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı   İşte Bütün Dosyaların Uzantısı Icon_minitimeC.tesi Ağus. 15, 2009 8:06 pm

mme ---- Mime encoded file
.mmf ---- Microsoft Mail File
.mmm ---- Macromind animation
.mod ---- MOD Music file format
.mol ---- MDL Molfile
.mov ---- Movie file (Apple QuickTime)
.moov ---- Movie file (Apple QuickTime)
.moz ---- Mozilla Netscape cache file
.mp2 ---- MPEG-1 audiostream
**** ---- Sound file
.mpa ---- MPEG-1 audiostream
.mpe ---- MPEG Movie file
.mpeg ---- MPEG Movie (Moving Pictures Experts Group)
.mpeg4 ---- MPEG Movie (high quality, esp for wireless)
.mpg ---- Encoded MPEG file
.mpkg ---- meta package, a group of .pkg files
.mpm ---- MPEG file
.mpnt ---- Macintosh MacPaint
.mpp ---- Microsoft Project project file
.mpt ---- Microsoft Project template file
.mpv ---- MPEG file
.mpx ---- Microsoft Project export file
.mrk ---- Markup (Informative Graphics)
.msg ---- Message file
.msi ---- Microsoft Installer file
.msn ---- Microsoft Network document
.msp ---- Microsoft Paint
.mtm ---- MultiMOD Music
.mus ---- Music file
.mvb ---- Microsoft Multimedia Viewer
.mw ---- MacWrite II document
.mwii ---- MacWrite II document
.mxi ---- Extension Information
.mxp ---- Extension Package
.mys ---- Myst saved game file
.ndx ---- Index file (dBASE)
.neo ---- Atari NeoChrome
.netopia ---- Application Netopia
.net ---- Network file
.nfo ---- Info Text
.ng ---- Norton Guides
.nlm ---- NLM program (NetWare)
.note ---- WordPerfect Help document
.nsl ---- Network Services
.nsp ---- Application x-nvo
.nst ---- MOD Music
.ntf ---- Notes Template File (Lotus Notes)
.oab ---- Outlook Address Book (Microsoft)
.oaz ---- OAZ Fax
.obd ---- Microsoft Office Binder
.obj ---- Object (DOS/Windows)
.ocx ---- Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
.oda ---- ODA document
.okt ---- Oktalyser MOD Music
.olb ---- OLE Object Library
.old ---- a file that is now obsolete replaced by an upgraded or modified file.
.ole ---- OLE object
.onx ---- Onyx Graphics Postershop
.ori ---- Original
.otf ---- OpenType Font
.out ---- Output file
.ovl ---- Program overlay file (DOS/Windows)
.ovr ---- Overlay module
.p ---- Pascal source code file
.p10 ---- Tektronix Plot10
.pac ---- Atari STAD Image
.pab ---- Personal Address Book (Microsoft Outlook)
.pak ---- ***** game data
.pak ---- PAK compressed file archive
.pal ---- Paintbrush palette
.pan ---- Printer-specific file
.pas ---- Pascal program file
.pat ---- Pattern (Corel Draw)
.pat ---- Hatch patterns (AutoCAD)
.pb1 ---- Document (First Publisher)
.pba ---- Powerbasic BASIC source code
.pbd ---- PowerBuilder runtime/compiled file
.pbi ---- Powerbasic include file
.pbl ---- Powerbasic library
.pbl ---- PowerBuilder source code
.pbk ---- Microsoft Phonebook
.pbm ---- Portable Bitmap
.pbo ---- Profiler Binary Output
.pbt ---- Profiler Binary Table
.pc1-2-3 ---- Atari Degas Image
.pcd ---- Bitmap graphics file (Photo CD format)
.pcl ---- HP LaserJet
.pcm ---- HP LaserJet cartridge info.
.pcs ---- PICS animation
.pct ---- PC Paint
.pcw ---- PC Write
.pcx ---- PC Paintbrush
.pcx ---- Graphics file (ZSoft format)
.pdb ---- Palm database
.pdd ---- Photo Deluxe Document (Adobe)
.pdf ---- Portable Document Format (Acrobat)
.pdg ---- PrintShop Deluxe
.pdv ---- PC Paintbrush printer driver
.pfa ---- Type 1 font (ASCII)
.pfb ---- Type 1 font (encrypted)
.pfm ---- Postscript Font Metrics; Windows Type 1 font metrics
.pgl ---- HPGL 7475A plotter (vector graphics)
.pgm ---- Portable Gray Map (bitmap)
.phtml ---- HTML document with preprocessing instructions (PPIs)
.pic ---- Picture file (Macintosh PICT)
.pict ---- Picture file (Macintosh PICT)
.pif ---- Program Informaton file
.pit ---- PackIt (Mac compression)
.pix ---- Inset Systems graphics
.pjx ---- Project file (Visual FoxPro)
.pkg ---- AppleLink Package compression format
.pl ---- Perl Source Code
.plt ---- Plotter drawing, HP GL/2
.pm ---- Bitmap From XV
.pm ---- Page Layout file (PageMaker)
.pm3-4-5 ---- Page Layout file (PageMaker v3,v4,v5)
.png ---- Portable Network Graphic (bitmap)
.png ---- Paint Shop Pro Browser
.pntg ---- MacPaint Graphic
.pov ---- Persistence Of Vision raytracer
.ppa ---- PowerPoint Add-in (Microsoft)
.ppd ---- Printer Description File
.ppd ---- PostScript Printer Description
.ppm ---- Portable Pixelmap
.ppp ---- PagePlus document
.pps ---- PowerPoint Slideshow
.ppt ---- PowerPoint Presentation
.ppx ---- PagePlus template
.prc ---- Palm Resource Code (Application)
.prd ---- Printer driver file (MS Word)
.prg ---- Procedure or program file
.prj ---- Project file
.prn ---- Printer Output file (temporary)
.prn ---- PostScript file
.prs ---- Printer file (WordPerfect)
.prt ---- Formatted text
.ps ---- PostScript (Page description file)
.psd ---- Photoshop file
.pst ---- MS Outlook personal folder
.pt4-5 ---- PageMaker Template
.pub ---- Publication (Ventura, MS)
.pwd ---- Pocket Word document (Microsoft)
.pwz ---- PowerPoint Wizard (Microsoft)
.pxl ---- Pocket Excel (Microsoft)
.pxr ---- Pixar Image
.qbw ---- QuickBooks - Windows
.qbb ---- QuickBooks backup file
.qdk ---- Quarterdeck Qemm
.qdv ---- QDV Image
.qlb ---- Quick Library
.qlc ---- ATM font information
.qry ---- Microsoft Query
.qt ---- QuickTime movie
.qtm ---- QuickTime movie
.qxd ---- QuarkXPress document
.qxl ---- QuarkXPress Library file
.qxt ---- QuarkXPress Template
.r8l ---- LaserJet landscape font
.r8p ---- LaserJet portrait font
.ra ---- RealAudio Player - sound or multimedia file
.ram ---- RealAudio Player
.rm ---- RealAudio Player
.rar ---- WinRAR compressed file
.ras ---- Raster graphics (Sun)
.raw ---- Raw Image file (bitmap)
.rc ---- run commands (Unix)
.readme ---- Text Readme
.rec ---- Windows Recorder macro file
.reg ---- Registration file
.rep ---- Report file
.rft ---- RFT-DCA
.rgb ---- RGB image (SGI- Silicon Graphics)
.rgba ---- RGB image (SGI)
.ria ---- Alpharel Group IV raster graphics
.rib ---- Renderman 3D Data
.ric ---- Roch FaxNet
.rif ---- Painter bitmap
.riff ---- Resource Interchange File Format (graphic/multimedia)
.rla ---- Wavefront raster image
.rlc ---- CAD Overlay ESP (Image Systems)
.rle ---- Run Length Encoded (compressed bitmap file)
.rmi ---- RIFF MIDI file
.rme ---- Text Readme
.rgb ---- RGB image file (SGI- Silicon Graphics)
.rmp ---- Niku Portfolio Manager
.rnd ---- AutoShade format
.rnl ---- GTX Runlength raster graphics
.rpl ---- Replica file
.rpt ---- Report file
.rsc ---- Resource file
.rsrc ---- Resource file
.rtf ---- Rich Text Format
.rtx ---- Rich Text Format
.rwv ---- Niku Portfolio Manage
.s ---- Assembly language file (Unix)
.s3m ---- ScreamTracker 3 MOD music file
.sam ---- AmiPro file
.sam ---- Symantec Anti-Virus
.sav ---- Saved file (games etc)
.sbp ---- IBM Storyboard graphics
.sc ---- Source Code (Paradox)
.scc ---- MSX Picture
.scg ---- ColoRIX
.sci ---- ColoRIX
.scp ---- ColoRIX
.scr ---- ColoRIX
.scm ---- ScreenCam Movie
.scp ---- Dial-up networking script
.scr ---- autocad Script File Extension
.scr ---- Screensaver (Windows)
.scr ---- Screen Layout (dBASE)
.scrn ---- StartupScreen Format Graphic
.sct ---- Screen Capture Text (Lotus)
.scu ---- ColoRIX
.sdl ---- SmartDraw Library
.sea ---- Self-Extracting Archive (Stuffit or Compact Pro)
.seg ---- Segment (of a compressed file saved in segments)
.sep ---- TIFF bitmap
.set ---- Setup parameters
.sf ---- IRCAM Sound
.sf2 ---- SoundBank file
.sfl ---- LaserJet landscape font
.sgi ---- SGI Image
.sfp ---- LaserJet portrait font
.sfs ---- PCL 5 scalable font
.sha ---- UNIX shell archive
.shar ---- UNIX shell archive
.shp ---- Printmaster Icon Library
.shtml ---- HTML file with embedded server-side includes (SSI)
.si ---- SoftImage image file
.sig ---- Signature file
.sit ---- StuffIt Archive (Macintosh)
.sithqx ---- BinHexed StuffIt Archive (Macintosh)
.six ---- SIXEL Image
.sld ---- Slide format file (AutoCAD)
.slk ---- Symbolic Link (SYLK) spreadsheet
.smi ---- self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image
.snd ---- Sound file
.snm ---- Netscape mail
.spc ---- Atari Spectrum 512
.spd ---- Speedo scalable font
.spl ---- FutureSplash Player file
.sqb ---- SyQuest Backup
.sr ---- Sun Raster Image
.src ---- Used with .INI files for configuration settings
.sty ---- Style sheet file (Ventura)
.sun ---- Sun Raster Image
.sup ---- Startup Screen
.svx ---- Amiga 8SVX IFF sound
.swd ---- Schoolwide Database file
.swf ---- Shockwave Flash file
.swp ---- Swap - temporary file
.syd ---- Sysedit backup file
.syk ---- SYLK spreadsheet format
.sylk ---- SYLK spreadsheet format
.sys ---- System file
.tal ---- Adobe Type Align
.tar ---- Tape ARchive (UNIX)
.tar.gz ---- Combined filename extension for a file that has been archived using tar and then gzipped.
.tar.z ---- Combined filename extension for a file that has been archived using tar and then zipped.
.targa ---- Truevision Archive
.taz ---- Compressed Tape Archive
.taz ---- Another way of writing .tar.z
.tbk ---- Asymetrix Toolbook
.tdf ---- Typeface definition (Speedo)
.tex ---- TeX or LaTex document
.texi ---- TeX document
.texinf ---- TeX document
.text ---- ASCII Text
.tfm ---- Font metrics (Intellifont)
.tga ---- TARGA graphics file
.tga ---- Truevision Image
.tgz ---- Gnu ZIPped Taped Archive (same as .tar.z and .tar.gz)
.thn ---- Thumbnail
.tif ---- Tag Image File format (graphics)
.tiff ---- Tag Image File Format (graphics)
.tlb ---- OLE Type Library
.tmp ---- Temporary file
.tny ---- Atari TINY Bitmap
.toc ---- Table Of Contents file
.tps ---- Topspeed data file
.trm ---- Terminal settings
.tsv ---- Tab Seperated Values File
.ttc ---- TrueType Compressed -font file
.ttf ---- TrueType Font file
.tx8 ---- 8-bit MS-DOS text file
.txt ---- ASCI Text file
.ul ---- µlaw Sound
.url ---- URL Bookmark
.usb ---- Universal Serial Bus
.usl ---- LaserJet landscape font
.usp ---- LaserJet portrait font
.uu ---- UUEncode compressed file
.uud ---- UUEncode file
.uue ---- UUEncode file
.vbp ---- Visual Basic Project
.vbs ---- Visual Basic Script
.vbx ---- Visual Basic Extension
.vda ---- Targa bitmap
.vff ---- DESR VFF Greyscale Image
.vga ---- OS/2 Bitmap
.vgr ---- Chapter file (Ventura)
.vid ---- Multimedia image file
.vir ---- underground text format; virus genre
.viff ---- Khoros Visualization image file
.vlb ---- Ventura Library
.voc ---- Sound file
.vp ---- Ventura Publisher file
.vsd ---- Microsoft Visio Drawing
.vst ---- Targa bitmap
.vue ---- Relational View (dBASE)
.vxd ---- Virtual Device Driver
.w51 ---- WordPerfect PC 5.1 document
.wab ---- Windows Address Book
.wav ---- Windows WAV Sound file
.wbk ---- Microsoft Word Backup
.wdb ---- Microsoft Works Database
.wid ---- Ventura width table
.win ---- Windows backup file
.wiz ---- Microsoft Word Wizard
.wk1 ---- Lotus 1-2-3, up to 2.01
.wk4 ---- Lotus 1-2-3 version 4
.wkq ---- Quattro spreadsheet
.wks ---- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, MS Works)
.wlr ---- VRML file
.wmf ---- Windows Metafile
.wp ---- WordPerfect PC document
.wp4-6 ---- WordPerfect PC document
.wpd ---- WordPerfect Document
.wpd ---- Windows Printer Description
.wpg ---- WordPerfect Graphic
.wpm ---- WordPerfect Macro
.wps ---- Word processor file (MS Works)
.wpt ---- WordPerfect Template
.wri ---- MSWrite Windows file
.wrk ---- Symphony spreadsheet
.ws1-7 ---- WordStar for Windows 1-7
.wve ---- PSION Sound
.wvl ---- Wavelet compressed bitmap
.x ---- AVS X image file
.x10-11 ---- X-Windows Dump
.xar ---- Corel Xara drawing
.xbm ---- X-Windows Bitmap
.xfx ---- JetFax
.xif ---- Xerox Image Format
.xl ---- Excel Spreadsheet
.xlc ---- Excel Chart
.xlk ---- Excel backup
.xlm ---- Excel macro
.xls ---- Excel Spreadsheet
.xlt ---- Excel Template
.xlw ---- Excel Workspace
.xm ---- FastTracker MOD music format
.xpm ---- X-Windows Pixelmap
.xwd ---- X-Windows Dump
.xwo ---- X-Windows System window dump image
.xxe ---- Xxencoded file
.yal ---- Arts & Letters click art
.Z ---- UNIX Compress Archive
.z ---- UNIX GZIP Archive
.zip ---- PZIP (PC ZIP) Archive
.zoo ---- Zoo Archive
.zts ---- Z-Term Script
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